Digital transformation

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation was set in motion by changes taking place in the outside world: the entry of new digital competitors, changes in consumer behavior, the increasing use of groundbreaking digital technologies, the huge increase in the amount of data becoming available.

Since the second half of the last decade we have witnessed a revolution in the digital services and products on offer. This has paved the way for the entry of new players, often bearing completely new business models.

Thanks to the dialogue with the organizations and their stakeholders, with the advent of web 2.0 consumers have become an integral part of the design and evolution processes for products and services.

All this has generated enormous volumes of data, especially as far as consumer behavior is concerned.

This is a challenge for technology and for companies, but it also provides great opportunities. The ability to transform data into information and information into tactical action and strategic planning is a competency that management will increasingly need to possess and deploy.

This means acquiring Dynamic Capabilities (DC). They are based on innovation, experimenting and testing.  They lay the foundations for companies to adapt, to be flexible and open to new opportunities.

There are three stages in the path to acquiring Dynamic Capabilities:

Digital Sensing

Here big data analytics and artificial intelligence play a vital role in sensing new customer trends, which would otherwise be hard to detect and plan for. No less important is the need for companies to build a digital culture and digital capabilities inside their organizations.  Without them, it is impossible for them to acquire the tools they need to perceive new trends and new market needs.

Digital Agility

This is the ability to be flexible, agile and dynamic, without losing sight of the big picture. The key factor is the ability to create prototype products or services quickly, to launch them and assess market reaction and to then scale up if the response is positive.

Digital Transformation

It may be that systems will change every two years, or that they will have to be redesigned and rebuilt four times over the next 15 years. That is why leadership style is today so essential. It must not be driven by hierarchy but by objectives and the competencies required to achieve them.

Our services

Contract Manager is able to provide in a short time a temporary Chief Digital Officer (CDO), a figure that acts as a link between General Management and IT, between the CEO and the CIO.

It is a temporary / interim role in the sense that the task is to implement Digital Transformation.

The temporary / interim CDO’s task is to ensure the adoption of digital technologies throughout the organization. The following are some of the responsibilities typical of the role:

  • to engage the whole company, ensuring the commitment of all to the company’s digital vision
  • to draw up a charter for the company’s digital strategy, taking end-to-end responsibility for design and for the company’s roadmap to implementation
  • to build bridges between data and company operations
  • to maintain relations with experts
  • to maintain the best possible balance between business and technology
  • to link the digital investments to the company’s KPIs to achieve a positive digital transformation

Assignments in this area can last from 8 to 12 months.

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